Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Getting Older

As I approach the ripe old age of 28 in just a few days I am feeling really old. This has pretty much been happening for the past year though. Even as I sit here my back is aching.

So let me just tell you about my back. I no longer can sit on my couch comfortably. Kills my back! And it's my middle back, which is something that has never hurt before. So it just confirms my aging. So, no problem, I will just sit in the recliner. Wrong!! I can't sit there either because it hurts my neck. So I guess, I will live out my remaining days standing up watching TV.

The week after my 27th birthday I went to the eye doctor. Do you know what he told me? I had an add power! That means basically that I can now where bifocals! Bifocals???? Are you kidding me? Those are for old people. Instead of getting bifocals I just got a pair of reader. That's right, old people glasses.

A couple months ago Bryan and I were walking around downtown Indy. We had been walking for a couple hours and were heading back to the car. Bryan asked me what was wrong. I told him nothing. He kept asking. Finally, I said "My hips hurt!!!!!" I was ashamed. My hips hurt just from walking around. How old am I?

About a month ago I realized yet another thing. You know when you sleep on your side all curled up? Well, that's how I always sleep. Except now, I can't have my knees directly on top of each other because it hurts!!! What the heck? My knee bones hurt? I didn't even know that could happen!

I have forehead wrinkles. Oh, and yes the crows feet. I will never be able to raise my eyebrows or smile really big again without the monster wrinkles showing up!

That is just some of the physical stuff. But I gotta say, I think I'm losing it mentally too!

I have noticed recently that when I'm in parking lots I drive really slow. And when I am backing out of a parking space it takes me like an hour. I'm just so afraid that I will hit someone or something! I used to be the speed demon in parking lots and complain about other drivers. Not anymore, friends.

I check the weather like all the time. Its hard for me anymore to plan too many things in advance because what if it rains? Our friends are coming to visit in July and I am already a wreck about the weather! It could rain. Our visit could be ruined.

I just get on google and look at the map of my area. I'm sure this has to do with just moving but I did this before we moved too. Just a few minutes ago I was trying to find some new doctors in our area. I wasn't looking at the reviews for the doctors. I was just making sure I could find the office. The doctor may be shady, but, hey, I didn't get lost!

It takes me way longer to make purchases. Which I'm sure is not a bad thing compared to impulse shopping. But now it takes me an hour to spend $20. Our budget is definitely appreciating this new little characteristic of mine.

I can now say, I am pushing 30, which, by the way, I'm not okay with!!!

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