Monday, June 11, 2012

Confessions of My Bad Self

I must confess, blogging makes me feel like a real author. Which gave me the idea for this post. So there you have it. Confession #1.

I have a heating pad next to my bed. Oh, sure, you think it's for the occasional backache. Not so. I keep it there to put under the blanket with me when I'm cold. Which is a lot. The comforter and quilt are just sometimes not warm enough.

I get the words yesterday and tomorrow mixed up. I will say things like, "yeah, we are going there yesterday" or "we went there tomorrow". I know,  I have never heard of anyone who gets those two mixed up either.

I eat in middle of night. I have been doing this since I was a kid. My food of choice is either pop tarts (cherry) or cereal. The only reason I keep pop tarts in the house is for the middle of the night emergency. Bryan thinks I'm psycho and says he is never hungry in the night. I didn't say I was hungry. I just wake up wanting that pop tart so bad sometimes. There are even some nights that as I'm falling asleep I hope that I wake up in the middle of the night so I can eat Mr. pop tart. Hunger has nothing to do with it.

I have a fake toenail. And I'm proud of it. No one can tell its fake! Way better than that half of a toenail I have underneath. I am thankful that I live in a world of little Korean geniuses who can make my toenail dreams come true.

I don't really know how to blow my nose. Bryan has tried to teach me. I don't understand the whole concept. As hard as I blow nothing really comes out. So I will just live the rest of my life being all stuffed up. It just tickles too bad!

I don't refill the toilet paper holder or the water in the iron. A couple years ago Bryan and I were having a conversation where I was asking him if there was any area I could work on. He just couldn't think of anything. Nothing. Then, finally, after about 20 minutes he said, "well, it really bothers me when you don't refill the iron". "Oh, and the toilet paper holder". Really? That's my worst fault in his eyes? Well, guess what. I still don't do it. So much for me working on my problem areas.

I love Hannah Montana! Oh yeah, Bryan makes fun of me for that one too. But, I do, I love it! Man, I feel better now.

I am addicted to Storage Wars. There's just something exciting about guys fighting over a bunch of junk!

I can't say "rear wheel drive". I bet you can't either. Try it. Mine usually comes out "rear reel drive". It's hard!

My favorite super hero is Spider Man which is ironic because I hate spiders. There is a new Spider Man movie coming out, and I absolutely do not approve of the new Spidey. I want Toby Maguire. You will forever be Spider Man in my heart!

I do a killer impression of Jr. Asparagus. That's right folks. I could be the back up Jr. if the current one was unavoidably detained from recording. But I have only ever done it in person for my mom and Bryan. I get embarrassed. Some close friends have heard it on their voicemail though.

I don't sleep with a top sheet. There is a king sheet on our bed, but my half gets pushed over to the middle of the bed and annoys Bryan. What's the point? A blanket is for warmth. What does a sheet do? Growing up I didn't even sleep with a bottom sheet. But I can't get away with that here. Unless we imitate the 1950's and sleep in separate beds.

OK, back to my fear of spiders. I have a recurring dream that there is a spider coming down from the ceiling. The first two times it happened I stood up and ran off the side of the bed. Both times I woke up crying in Bryan's arms. But fortunately no one was hurt. That was not the case the third time it happened. It was about 1 in the morning and Bryan was still downstairs studying. Next thing I know the light is on, I'm holding my head and crying, and Bryan and the boys are hovering over me asking me what happened. How should I know? I just woke up. Well, it was that dang spider again. When we were reenacting it trying to figure out how I hit my forehead on the corner of the armoire the only thing we could come up with is that I dove head first out of bed into the piece of furniture five feet away. That was the only explanation. And we are fairly certain that I gave myself a mild concussion.

Sticking with my fear of things. Here's another one. Sharks. Terrified of them. So much so that I can't even watch Shark Week! And so much so that I don't like to swim alone in a pool just in case...

I watch hair tutorials online. I have had several people make fun of me. But let me ask you, "does your hair look this good"?

So there you go. I bet you're not feeling as embarrassed of your little quirks anymore.

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