Thursday, April 19, 2012

Once a Month

So I looked back at my past posts and realized I have only posted about once a month. Why? I have no reason. I started this blog when I found out I wouldn't be working. Oh, how much time I would have to blog. It's true, I do have more time, but I forget about it! That and my life has no organization whatsoever since the big move. I don't think my house has been completely clean once. There are still piles of stuff in corners. Pictures unhung. Rooms undecorated. My life has had such structure for the past three and a half years. Work five days a week. Church on Sundays. Busy Saturdays trying to catch up. The only thing that is still the same is church on Sundays. Other than that I have no consistency. Sure, it sounds like a dream come true to some of you, but its rather frustrating. Its like I am trying to figure out who this new person is. Not complaining, just a little lost I guess. So hopefully in the near future there will be set blogging days in my schedule. I am looking forward to it.

1 comment:

  1. Katie,
    I kind of know how you feel... Starting in January, i started staying home. It is the first time I haven't had most of my day occupied with teaching. I love it now, but it really does take a while to get on a schedule:) and I didn't move to any place new:). I will be praying for you:)
