Thursday, July 5, 2012

The Night the Lights Went Out

That was a fun night. It started as a typical Friday night. Dinner date followed by an activity. That night's activity was to go get our cube storage unit for our front door entrance. It was about 10 o'clock. I had just given the dogs chew bones and the storage unit was all laid out ready to be assembled. But their were two problems. There was no instruction manual and the dogs were fighting over the bones. And by fighting I mean Sam stole Riley's bone and Riley was pouting. You don't think dogs can pout? Well, they can. And he was. So about halfway through the bone I got it and gave it to Riley. Then Sam was pouting. So then I felt bad for both of them. Riley, that he got a half eaten bone and Sam, that I took it back from him. So I got out another bone. So now there were three floating around. That did not make the situation better.

Then Bryan said, "There is supposed to be a bad storm coming". 10 minutes later-BAM! No power! I had just installed a flashlight app on my phone which was helpful, but literally drained 1% power per minute. And since there was only 39% power to start with it was not looking good. We found four candles and the lighter. Our house now smelled like a combination of nuts, melon, pumpkin, and vanilla. Not good. Fortunately we have a basement that stays cool all the time. Bryan made a pallet on the floor while I got the couch ready. All the while, the dogs were still fighting over the bones.

We moved the pieces to the storage unit out of the middle of the floor, Bryan grabbed a Hershey bar, I grabbed some oreos, Sam and Riley grabbed their bones, and we headed downstairs. Bryan was out by midnight. I, on the other hand, listened as the dogs chewed, barked, did laps on the floor above me and scratched to go out. By 2 the bones were finally eaten and the dogs didn't have to go to the bathroom anymore. Good night.

At 8 the next morning we woke up to Riley barking at the neighbors. There was still no power and he wouldn't stop so it was time to get up. And if any of you know me at all you know I sleep well past 8 on Saturdays. Since there was no power we decided to put the storage unit together. But wait, there were no instructions. Remember? I called Target, and they said we had to bring the whole thing back to get a piece a few pieces of paper. Why couldn't they just open one, give us the manual and then return that one. It made no sense. Oh, I was grumpy by this time. We had to deal with this stupid heavy piece of furniture in the warm house on very little sleep. And the whole time all I could think about was all the food in the freezer I was going to lose. While we were packing up the unit guess what we found? Yep. The manual. Oh well, at least we didn't have to lug that thing back to Target. I sent Bryan up to the store to get some ice for the freezer. About a minute before he got home the power came back on! So there was Bryan with 10 pounds of ice! The $4 we lost to get the power back was so worth it though! So I made cinnamon rolls while Bryan finished putting the unit together. We gathered the puppies up and all went back to bed. Not the best 12 hours of my life!

But the next day at church we found out how many people still had no power. So, no, I can't complain.

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